Get Involved
SCT is a volunteer run and supported organization. We depend on the contributions of those in our community to have a successful season each year. There are numerous ways you can contribute to what is going on at SCT. Acting, set constructing, directing, running lights or sound, stage hand, costumes, being a voice of support in the community for the theatre, and the list goes on and on. If you are interested in participating in an upcoming production, contact the theatre box office at (910)-592-8653, contacting any member of our Board of Directors, or interacting with us on our theatre’s official Facebook page.
Audition for a Show
Auditions are conducted for each show prior to the beginning of rehearsals for each SCT production. The director for each show will post the date, time, and needs of the production in terms of the age, gender, and expectations of interested participants in the weekly SCT newspaper columns, our official Facebook, as well as our website. Everyone is welcome to audition, no prior theatre experience necessary.
Become a Patron
Our season is proudly supported through our Patron Program. For a yearly tax-deductible $100 donation, you become an SCT Patron. Patrons receive two tickets for each of our six productions throughout the season and you or your business are listed in each of our program as an SCT Patron. This program allows SCT to bring you six productions a year at a great ticket price. If you or your business is interested in becoming a patron or for more information, please contact Brenda Martin at 910-990-4510.
Sponsor a Production
Each year we have six productions and we are always looking for ways to partner with local businesses to support the arts in Sampson County. If you or your business would be interested in gaining publicity and advantageous marketing while supporting the arts, please contact Angela Martin at 910-379-8737 or Brenda Martin at 910-990-4510.
The benefits for sponsoring a production are as follows:
• Full page ad in our programs
• Advertisement on our marquis sign throughout production of show (approximately 7 weeks)
• Complimentary tickets for employees
• Advertisement on all posters and tickets
• and the satisfaction of supporting the arts in your community
• AND it is 100% tax-deductible
Let us know if a partnership for your business and SCT would be advantageous and we will be happy to work with you!